Little League Code of Conduct

Southern Lehigh Youth Baseball, ("SLYB") is a completely volunteer-based organization. All League Officers, Directors, Managers, and Coaches are volunteers; they are not paid for their time or efforts.  As a condition of your child's participation in the league, the league is requiring that the parents/guardians agree to the following:

l/We understand that participation in baseball may cause injury. Protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to players. I/we do hereby release and agree to hold harmless SLYB, its Directors, Managers, Coaches, Officers, Members, and Players from any and all liability and/or claims arising out of injury to my/our child. I/we agree to release the above even if the injury was the result of the negligence of the league. I/we agree that only one signature of a parent/guardian will be legally binding on all family members.

SLYB wants your family's baseball experience to be rewarding and of the highest quality. Proper personal conduct on the part of all participants is required to make this happen. To address the growing problems that have plagued other youth sports nationwide, SLYB has adopted a policy of requiring parents/guardians of ALL participants to agree to this pledge as a requirement for their child's participation. It is recognized that the great majority of participants already understand and comply with this code. It is the intention of this pledge to promote a more enjoyable experience for those parents, children, and officials by averting inappropriate behavior from a disruptive minority. Please read each of the following points carefully.

I agree that the Volunteers, Directors, Officials, Managers, and Coaches deserve, and will receive, my respect and support at all times and under all circumstances. I pledge to resolve differences in a respectful way that will serve as a positive example for all children involved.

I understand that it is the policy of SLYB to review all incidents that violate this pledge, league rules, or league bylaws. Such violations may include, but are not limited to, physical assaults, disorderly conduct, disobedience of a league official's orders, public use of profanity, public arguments or repetitive or excessive negative comments towards other spectators, coaches, umpires, or other league officials, promotion of unsportsmanlike behavior, conduct destructive to the facilities or abuse of alcoholic beverages at any sanctioned event or practice involving our youth. Public intoxication is prohibited.

I understand that after review of any violation, the SLYB Executive Board of Directors may elect to deny the violator(s) access to its facilities and activities for a period of time they determine to be appropriate, and/or refer the incident to law enforcement agencies for more severe infractions.

I further understand that it is not the intent to penalize innocent children for the actions of adults, but parental behavior can jeopardize their children's participation in the program in severe cases.

I/we agree to all the provisions set forth in this Code of Conduct.  I/we agree that only one signature of the parent/guardian will be binding on both parents/guardians, the players, and their entire family.