Division Information: Tee Ball
Category: Tee Ball
Age: 4 1/2, 5, & 6 Year olds
League: Southern Lehigh Recreational League
Type: Tee ball
- Begins when the weather is warm enough and the ground is dry enough (targeting mid-April)
2 to 3 Days per Week – can vary weekly - final schedule established by the Tee Ball director closer to the start of the season - Weekdays and Saturday Mornings
Games & Practices run between 1-Hour to 1.5-Hours - Practices & Games take place at Coopersburg’s Living Memorial Park – Fields 3 & 4
- Three (3) inning games
- No “outs” are recorded, every player bats once per inning
- Each batter attempts to hit an over-hand pitch from his/her coach - after five (5) pitches, players may then hit off a batting tee
- No score is kept
For the Kids:
- To show up with a positive - attitude and have FUN
For the Parents:
- To attend all practices and games
- To support the volunteer coaching staff whenever possible (running drills, bench coach, post-game snack organizer)
- To cheer for (not instruct) all kids of all teams during games
- To supplement the training at home (whiffle-ball, playing “catch”)
By the end of the season, your child will learn:
- Good Sportsmanship/Teamwork
- Basic Batting Mechanics
- Basic Throwing Mechanics
- Basic Glove-Work
- Base-Running
The league provides:
- Team Shirt
- Team Baseball Hat
Your child will need:
- Personal Baseball Glove
- T-ball bat ("USA BASEBALL" approved)
- Batting helmet
- White Baseball Pants
- Water Bottle
They may also bring (but not required):
- Baseball Cleats (Rubber molded cleats only, metal cleats are not allowed)
- Batting Gloves
They do NOT need:
- Catcher’s Gear (there are no catchers at this level)
- Sliding Shorts and/or Protective Cup