Fall Registration

Fall registration is now open! This fall, we are offering a discount compared to the fees for spring baseball.

Fall baseball registrations are based on the 2025 Little League Baseball Age (Actual age of child on 8/31/25).  Registration is open through 8/2.  Any requests after 8/2 may not be able to be accommodated.

Thanks to the individual donations and corporate sponsorships (many of which you helped us with!), we were able to upgrade our facilities including installing AC/heat to the Major’s snack stand and press box, a sound system for the Minor A field, and a replacement lawn mower.  This summer, concrete pads will be installed by the majors dugouts to assist with the poor drainage and flooding of the dugouts and later this year, the batting cage pavilion will be enclosed to protect our investment.

Through this fall registration, we are looking for donations to assist with our planned upgrade of the backstops/fences at fields 1 and 3 with the goal of completing prior to the start of spring baseball.  We are also initiating a capital fundraising campaign to raise funds to install lights on Minor A for fall of 2025 to further enhance the playing experience for our players.  Please consider adding a donation to your registration.  If you or your company is interested in donating specifically to any of these projects (monetary, equipment, labor or in any other way), please contact us.

Thank you in advance and we look forward to a great fall season!

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